Welcome to Spring 2019! I am the Career and Internship Specialist for our department and I would love to help you get ready for summer internships and career opportunities. This is an informational email to get you oriented to all the resources available to you as a Sociology student.
I am available by email to set up an appointment to come and talk about your internships and career plans. I am happy to review resumes and help write cover letters. Send me an email response to this post and set up a time now!
There are a couple of ways I communicate with you throughout the semester:
1. Via email - if you are getting this message, then you are on the listserv. But you can add additional emails by sending an email with "Sub ugradsoc yourname" to listserv@listserv.umd.edu
2. Via the Sociology bog @ umdsoc.blogspot.com - All opportunities are posted there for you to check on as you can.
3. TV stations in the lobby of the ASY Building have great information for upcoming events and happenings.
Exciting Career Related Activities for Spring 19:
1. See attached flyer for the scheduled Job Skills Workshops on 2/7, 2/20, 3/7, 4/3, and 4/25. PIZZA will be served! Topics are as follows:
- 2/7 Writing a Resume that Works for You
- 2/20 Professional Connections - Building a Network
- 3/7 Internships that Lead to Jobs
- 4/3 Interviewing 101
- 4/25 Professionalism and Confidence
3. 2/15 FREE Professional Head Shots: https://careers.umd. edu/event/free-professional- headshots-2152019
4. Intern for a Day Program: Mandatory Information sessions you must attend to apply (for more information go to: https://careers.umd.edu/ students/career-exposure/ intern-day):
Best wishes for a productive and educational semester! I look forward to meeting you soon.
Amy McLaughlin